Thursday, December 6, 2007


For a TV show that was meant to be one of the best of the year, Heroes was, in the end, a bit of a let down. I admit, I was one of those who was absolutely obsessed with it when it first started - being a complete comic book/superheroes/sci-fi geek it was, on paper, my kind of show. But, alas, like so many similar shows it never really lived up to its promises. The first half of ther series was pretty much awesome - but then it started to drag and I lost interest. The point when it started to get crap had to be when the Niki/Jessica plotline started to take prominence. At first Niki seemed like quite a cool character, a kind of David Lynch-esque blonde, and before the Jessica alter-ego side of the character started to dominate the mystery behind her sudden bursts of super-human strength was kind of interesting. But when it was explained that Jessica was in fact the spirit of Niki's dead sister it just gets ridiculous, particularly when she starts hunting her husband with a sniper. Of course, a certain amount of ridiculousness is expected in a TV show about super heroes, but come on, who wasn't irritated by Jessica's hair flicks and evil pouts at Niki's reflection in the mirror? And Peter Petrelli, who was quite endearing at first (in a gormless, floppy-haired, kind of way), became really rather a bore. His constant 'smell the fart' facial expressions when something bad happens were worthy of the William Shatner school of acting. And the whole Peter/Simone/Issac love triangle was tedious to the extreme. I think the main problem was that the series should have been condensed to 12 episodes instead of being a bloated 22 episodes long. The finale wasn't bad, but the build up to this massive explosion in New York had been going on for so long by the end I didn't give a damn whether Peter Petrelli self- combusted or not.
At the end of the day I'd rather re-watch the X-Men cartoons.

1 comment:

S.A.M. said...

Have you watched the second season at all? If you think Peter is annoying in the first season, wait until the second season.
