Saturday, November 25, 2006

the veil

i find it bizarre how people are arguing that muslim veil wearers are damaging community cohesion and participation in society. firstly, a very small proportion of Muslim women wear the veil - I live in Whitechapel, an area with is nearly 50% Muslim, and you only see perhaps 3 or 4 women wearing the veil each day amongst thousands of women. secondly, the Muslim teacher who was sacked for wearing the veil was working at a Catholic school (an obvious example of cohesion in my mind) and the fact that veil wearing women were going to see Jack Straw, their local MP, highlights that they are certainly are participating in their community.
Regardless of whether you agree with the veil or not it really shouldn't have become such a prominent national issue. I think it is another example of islamophobia to be honest, and i can understand why many muslims have become offended by its being raised. the issue has nothing to do with terrorism, and such a tiny proportion wear it. i have not made up my mind whether i actually agree with the veil or not but to be honest thats not really the issue. the issue is that a practice of a very very very small proportion of the Muslim community has become a national issue, a practice of which certainly does not affect the security of our society.

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